Networks Web

To improve the usefulness of our visualization tools we started porting them to a new web-based environment. More specifically, we are reimplementing the visualizer using web technologies, such as WebGL and HTML5. Currently it can display graphically astounding complex networks visualizations on any recent major browser.
Basic Controls:
- Left-Mouse button dragging: Rotates the network
- Mouse Wheel: Zoom In/Zoom Out
Last Update: 10 Oct 2019
Network Examples:
- Knowledge Areas - Wikipedia.
- Silva, F.N. ; Viana, M.P. ; Travençolo, B.A.N. and Costa, L. da F. .
Investigating relationships within and between category networks in Wikipedia.
Journal of informatrics, v. 5, p. 431-438, 2011.
- Silva, F.N. ; Viana, M.P. ; Travençolo, B.A.N. and Costa, L. da F. .
- Collaboration Network of USP (2003-2004).
- Costa, L. da F. ; Tognetti, M. A. R. and Silva, F.N.
Concentric characterization and classification of complex network nodes: Application to an institutional collaboration network.
Physica. A (Print), v. 387, p. 6201-6214, 2008.
- Costa, L. da F. ; Tognetti, M. A. R. and Silva, F.N.
- Journals Citations of JCR Database.
- Silva, F.N. ; Rodrigues, F. A. ; Oliveira, Jr. O. N. and Costa, L. da F.
Quantifying the interdisciplinarity of scientific journals and fields.
arXiv:1203.4807v1 [physics.soc-ph], 2012.
- Silva, F.N. ; Rodrigues, F. A. ; Oliveira, Jr. O. N. and Costa, L. da F.
- Marvel vs DC reference network from Wikipedia.
- Citation network of articles from Network Science.
- Silva, F.N. ; Amancio, D. R. ; Bardosova, M.; Oliveira, Jr. O. N. and Costa, L. da F.
Using network science and text analytics to produce surveys in a scientific topic.
Journal of Informetrics, v. 10(2), p. 487-502, 2016.
- Silva, F.N. ; Amancio, D. R. ; Bardosova, M.; Oliveira, Jr. O. N. and Costa, L. da F.
The software requires a WebGL enabled browser.
Check for the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
Source and License:
- Source Code.
- The software distributed under Cyvision Open Academic License.